Hi! It's Zjack of DCC Virtual Reality Labs in the keys...... This is the first DCC release in 1996. If you expected some kind of INTO-THE-SHADOWS engine, you'll surely get disappointed, this is just a simplified mode 13h single-object rotation routine.... Anyway, I guess you haven't seen yet too many source codes of 3D systems with environment mapping, so enjoy! Sorry about the too big example files.... I hope someone find useful this stuff... The nice 3DS-converter is coded by X-wizard..... =============================================================== Members of DCC VR Labs: X-wizard - Main Coder Zjack - Coding, (Graphics, Music) Render - Public Relations, (coding) Crux - Music =============================================================== Greetings go to the following groups: ABADDON INSIDE BC PROXIMA BYTERAPERS REALTECH COMA SPIRIT COMPLEX WATERLOGIC GOTO 10 ...and special greetz to the following persons: Antti Salmisaari Tomi Koivisto Jari Tasanen Tomi Pahula Dan Wright Firelight !Inspleak Clueless Calvin Hypnor Cyrino Sliver Ervin Nose Fear Lada Jmx ================================================================= Feel FREE to use some or all (except the familiar looking texture ;) parts of the engine in your own non-commercial productions like demos, but don't steal in silence, some feedback (a POSTCARD) would be nice :) Teemu Laakso (Zjack) Ruununmaankatu 15 A 4 48200 Kotka, FINLAND Drop some lines of email to: x-wizard@rack.improvers.fi Don't hesitate to contact us for any reason.... ================================================================= DCC - lamers forever =================================================================